Julio Varela
Sigma Chi Alumni Endowment
We are proud to announce the Julio Varela Sigma Chi Alumni Endowment. In partnership with the FIU Foundation, we have pledged to fundraise $25,000 to set up a scholarship endowment. These funds will benefit Active Undergraduate Brothers of the Lambda Iota Chapter, in perpetuity, who excel in leadership & academics. To kick off this campaign, we have secured a match for the first $2,000 fundraised, DOLLAR FOR DOLLAR To donate, check out the link below and share this post. DM us if you have any questions
LINK: https://go.fiu.edu/sigmachialumni
Sigma Chi is a brotherhood with roots in the collegiate experience that engenders a lifelong commitment to strive to achieve true friendship, equal justice and the fulfillment of learning as part of our overall responsibilities to the broader communities in which we live.
We achieve these ideals through the practice of character qualities embodied in our Ritual, and continuously reaffirm our purpose through the observance of Sigma Chi’s Governing Laws and through adherence to the decisions of our legislative assemblies, which empower and direct our leadership.
Why are donations necessary?
Your donation will support the establishment of the Julio A. Varela Sigma Chi Alumni Scholarship. Should the goal of $25,000 be reached or surpassed with your donations, the Endowment will be established in perpetuity.